Benefits of dark chocolate

Everybody is always curious to know all the good things about chocolates because they are so tasty that people keep looking for reasons to eat them. We can hardly resist chocolates but as soon as we eat them, we start feeling guilty about it. It is because chocolates have gained a very bad name in today’s health conscious world. This “food of heaven” is considered bad for health and is only meant to give satisfaction to the mind just like any other drug which has disadvantages but no advantages.

In the article we are trying to put some facts in front of you about chocolates, to show you the brighter side of the tasty eatable, the health benefits of having it, and how they are helpful in many conditions and support our system.

  1. Chocolate is nutritious:- A good quality chocolate contains fiber, minerals, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium. Dark chocolate is full of nutrients but still always look at the nutrition list mentioned on the pack to bring positivity in your brain about the chocolate. By reading the list yourself, you will not have to face the guilt factor which generally overtakes the brain after enjoying a chocolate.
  2. Improve blood flow :– Dark chocolate improves the blood circulation. It is also recommended to the patients suffering from lower blood pressure.
  3. Protect your skin:-Dark chocolate contain bioactive compounds which are very helpful for the skin. They protect skin from sun rays and keep the skin healthy and glowing.
  4. Good for brain:- Chocolate contain flavanols which is good for people who are having memory loss issues. Dark chocolate have quality that protect your brain and help in improved memory and concentration.
  5. It may help to prevent sugar: – Dark chocolate have the quality to improve the insulin sensitivity and to control the level of sugar.
  6. Helps in weight lose:– It is said that if you consume a small piece of chocolate before your meal it will help to control your hunger and eat less as compare to your daily meal routine. Thus it will help to reduce your fat.
  7. It help to reduce cholesterol:- Dark coca chocolate is also helpful to reduce the cholesterol level and increase the good level of cholesterol.      

When can we consume chocolates?

Every eatable when consumed on right time and in right quantity, gives nutrition to body and help the internal system function nicely, but everything taken in excess and on wrong time can cause troubles. In the same way when chocolates are consumed at the right time and in right quantity they are very helpful but when vice then its versa.

  • Chocolates can be consumed after the workout. Whenever you are performing your exercises, you body tends to lose calories and for recovery you need them back. You can have chocolate shake or few pieces of chocolate after your workout followed by protein shake.
  • Between breakfast and lunch, chocolates can be taken. Because of their benefits one will feel energetic and enthusiastic throughout the day when consumed at this particular time.
  • Eat at night if you are supposed to work for late hours. When a person has got lot of work to do and cannot manage to work because of low calorie diet at night, a small piece of chocolate can help in bringing the lost concentration back.
  • If you have a sleeping problem have a small piece of chocolate before bed. This not only helps a person sleep deeply and nicely but also helps in creating a positive environment for the body to rearrange and reproduce hormones throughout the night. However if a person is looking for weight loss solutions, he might think this point is not for him, but I am saying this on your face “this is for you my friend”. You may be on a low calorie diet, you may be an obese, but if you cannot sleep nicely then you are not improving. You need to sleep nicely because sleep will increase your metabolism, you cannot attain it until you sleep nicely and deeply. You may not lose 2 pounds by reducing the before bed meal, but you may lose 10 lbs if you recover your muscles by sleeping nicely.
  • Some people, who are feeling it difficult to gain weight should consume chocolates as soon as they wakeup. After a sleep of 8-9 hours body moves into a state which is called catabolism. This state starts absorbing muscle protein for energy and thus decreases the speed of muscle gaining. Consuming some chocolates after bed provides body with bulk of calories and nutrition which stops the muscle breakage.


So now you know that chocolates are not fat gathering eatables, unless you over eat, they are good in number of ways and one can smartly incorporate them in the regular diet and enjoy them. So, next time when you eat some chocolates, don’t let the stress conquer the brain, just enjoy slowly the most tasteful eatable on the planet and make yourself happy inside out.

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