We all know that morning walk is very good for a healthy life, but do you know how many more advantages it has? Given below are some wonderful benefits that one can obtain by just walking for an hour in the morning.
1. Releases Stress: Morning walk is useful for a stress-free happy life. With oxygen rich air, and fresh sun light, one can obtain the feelings of joy in the heart which remains all day keeping a person stress free and mentally more stable to take important decisions throughout the day.
2. Keep your mind fresh: Morning walk is very good way to keep your body and mind fresh for long time. Because the content of oxygen is comparatively more in the early hours, one can energize the whole system of the body by pushing tons of oxygen in each and every cell. This higher level of oxygen helps body in many ways.
3. Strengthens the cardiac muscles: when a person is walking in the morning with a particular speed, the inhale and exhale works both on the heart (cardiac muscles) and lungs. This type of breathing especially in the morning hours improves the conditions of lungs and heart very efficiently.
4. Keeps you energetic: It has been observed that people who are indulged in morning walk are more energetic, enthusiastic and fast in performing various tasks in the day than those who wake up late and does not add morning walk or any such activity. This example also shows that such people (those who walk in the morning) are energetic for longer hours in the day and this maintains both, in summer and winter.
5. Better than medication: Some people who have been regularly taking some medicines reported that the intake of medicine started decreasing as soon as they adopted morning walk habit. This excellent daily activity not only reduces the intake of various medications but also prevent from many diseases.
6. Keep your brain sharp: Morning walk increases the flow of blood to the brain. This increased flow of blood enhances the ability to remember things and also improves IQ. Higher volume of oxygen in the body plays a great role in enhancing our performance at various levels; improved memory is one of such great enhancements.
7. Improves blood circulation: Your daily morning walk improves circulation of blood which in turn helps in better cholesterol levels, balanced blood pressure, healthy blood profile and stronger immune system. A perfect circulation of blood will help you keep away from diseases.
8. Improved posture: Some people complain about their deranged posture, it is most of the times because of the weakened muscles of different body parts. Due to lack of physical activities, muscle weakness is the first noticeable thing that anybody can guess. For people who cannot spare time for gym, 40 minutes walk is compulsory. A person can notice how their sitting posture, standing and walking posture will improve in matter of weeks. Consistent movement of various body parts, and their respective muscles, increase the flow of blood in them. This results in stronger muscles and better posture
9. Beneficial in diabetics: diabetes is very common problem in the modern life style. Doctors these days prescribe Morning walk, before they prescribe any medicine. When a diabetic patient goes for a regular morning walk he/she can see the level of blood sugar getting better month after month.
10. Prevent heart diseases: Regular 25 to 30 minutes of morning walk helps in the decline of bad cholesterol (LDL, VLDL) and shows significant improvement in good cholesterol (HDL). Stop eating junk, reduce the sugar intake, decrease the carbohydrates and balance your salt intake accordingly with your morning walk activity and see the miraculous change in yourself just within 2 months. The blood profile, cholesterol profile, Kidney Function Test, Liver Function Test, Thyroid hormone test and even the balance in other hormones have been seen in people improving within 2 months they start walking.
11. Burns fats: Many people cannot adjust their time for physical activities by which they gain fat. This gathering of fat keeps on improving day by day until we control the eating habits and start some activity to burn more calories than the calories we consume. Walking in the morning is a good way to elevate the heart rate and involve the body in a condition where it could burn more calories and reduce fat percentages.
12. Better sleep: when the energy level goes high, hormonal imbalances come back to normal, you feel more lively and happy, your health problems no more bother you, stress is like a long back heard story, then you add on one more health benefit “Better Sleep”. This is so amazing and cannot be explained in words. Start walking from tomorrow morning and you will be an entirely different confident and powerful human being within a month. Stay healthy to stay happy and satisfied.