11 Points to improve exercises and results INSTANTLY

Make these changes to see instant results

Many people have been trying different supplements and various substances to see better results in their body but they are not putting much effort in observing “the biggest mistake they are making”, inside the gym.

According to a research in different cities in India, 50% gym going people talk to their friend “working at the supplement store” about their poor fitness results instead of talking to their gym trainer. It is happening because they believe that supplements have a greater role to play than the workout routine.

The points to follow

This article will spread light on the real topic which can instantly bring you better results within a short period of time, without adding any extra supplements.

  • Always workout for 8 to 12 reps: Rep range that enables hypertrophy is – 8-12. Often people start ego lifting and do only 2-4 reps which might increase the strength but will not support the hypertrophy and you will never see your muscles growing bigger.
  • Do not ask for HELP: When there is a parter by your side, you might start adding more weight to the exercise which will may spoil the movement, form and technique resulting into injury and Wastage of time and effort.
  • Keep the eccentric Slow: The eccentric phase should be slow. Take 2-3 seconds to complete the eccentric phase while the concentric should be done in 1 second.
  • Never workout more than 5 days a week: Training every day or for twice a day will be good if you are into professional bodybuilding and you are in anabolic steroids but a natural dude, you should not train any more than 5 days to see results.
  • Never train single muscles: Training each muscle on each day will not help you gain muscle mass as the next time you train the same muscle will be after 6 days. It is always good to train muscles on 3rd or 4th day again.
  • Never Train more than 3 exercises for each muscle: More than 3 exercises for each muscles can put it into over training zone, especially if you are doing 4 or more sets in each exercise. It is safer and productive to train within 3 sets for each exercise and 3 exercises for each muscle.
  • Never train more than 40 minutes: When you are putting proper focus and proper intensity in each exercise you do not have to train any more than 40 minutes. Just leave the gym after 40 minutes, and reach your next meal to start the recovery process.
  • Inhale and exhale properly: With the concentric phase you should exhale and with the eccentric phase you should inhale. In exercises like squat and bench press, you have to inhale and hold the breath to complete a repetition, and exhale when the rep is completed and you have reached the point of PAUSE, where you have to inhale again to start your next rep.
  • Keep the whole body tight: In every exercise you should keep the whole body tight and hard. No part of the body should be left soft and loose. This will help you generate more power to lift better and heavy.
  • Always maintain a strong grip: Keep your grip very tight and think as if you are squeezing and melting the bar in your fingers. This will give you better focus on the usable muscle and you can lift in a firm manner.
  • Train abs and lower back every day: To keep yourself strong at the mid-section and lift heavy, with proper form and technique you should train your abs and lower abs every day. Do not do too many exercises, just 2 sets and 1 exercise is fine, in the warm-up which you don’t have to count in the 40 minutes gym duration, just like warmup.

Conclusion: If you are eating well then you have to make sure that you are giving your best possible effort in your workout, if you are not eating well, even then you have to correct your workout first, then the food that you ate will help you make muscles, then the supplements that you ate will be absorbed by your body.



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