Easy workout For Beginners of every age group

Fitness Awareness

With the advent of internet there are many things which came into the reach of a common man and fitness is one of such important necessities. We often find fitness related topics through “Whatsapp” and “Facebook” where we thank the technology for bringing such great knowledge to us. We share such posts with our close ones too and this way the awareness is increasing every passing day.

Today people are aware of the fact that fitness is very important and one must dedicate atleast one hour for his/her personal health. The idea of doing regular exercises and eating the right stuff for better and healthy living is changing lives. In spite of this automatic awareness of fitness getting popular, many people are still unable to make up their mind to spend time in gyms and planning right eating habits. It is because the old trend and lifestyle is still holding them back.

What can be done?

First thing to do is, because we know exercising and eating good is important, let us begin with some initial methods to keep our self fit and healthy.

  1. When a person cannot go to the gym, he should start “WALKING”. Either in the morning or in the evening one should manage few minutes to go for a walk. May be at first one may not be able to walk for a longer time or for a longer distance, but to begin with, one should start walking for 20-30 minutes every day.
  2. Second step is to increase the minutes of walk. If you started with 20 minutes take it to another level by walking for 30 minutes or may be 40 minutes next week.
  3. Third step should be to increase the intensity. If you can reach to the next street in 15 minutes and come back in 17 minutes, try to reach there and come back in 25 minutes. This is intensity, which should be considered to reach the next level and to improve cardio respiratory endurance. Walk fast and save time or walk for the same time but for a longer distance.
  4. Jogging, the next level to better health. If you have been walking from last few weeks and want to try something intensive, start jogging. You may not be able to jog for many minutes in the beginning but as you keep trying you can jog well for many minutes. One thing that can be tried next time you go for a walk is, decide a place you want to walk up to, now decide how quickly you want to reach there, start with jogging and when you cannot jog, keep walking, again when you feel fine start jogging and you will reach the place in lesser time, do the same while coming back also.
  5. Sprint for a minute and walk for 2-3 minutes. By this time you might have already lost many pounds from your body and gained better health, confidence and better body shape.
  6. By now if you didn’t make any serious changes to your eating habits, you will stand far away from your decided goal. You could have changed yourself and created lot of difference in last few weeks after all the hard work you have been doing all these days. A good eating habit with a nice workout gives faster and better results.
  7. Remove sugar and sugar made food items, eat healthy fats and protein with complex carbohydrates. Study yourself what is going to be best for you. You might be a vegetarian and hate milk products; you might not be able to understand what healthy fats are, learn more and learn from various sites and books to see what is found commonly in every article. Do not just read an article and follow it blindly. Use your brain to gather the information from different places and also see who is delivering the information to you.
  8. Do not follow the bodybuilder’s workout routine or diet plans; they are not what they say. They might say they are natural and only eat green vegetables to make those popping muscles but you will never find that happening to you so stay away from such articles and “Youtube” videos.
  9. Maintain balanced diet, eat carbohydrates, proteins, salad, drink lot of water, add fruits for vitamins and minerals, and dry fruits for healthy fats.
  10. Do not waste your money on supplements. One might need supplements, but not when he visits a gym for a trial but when he starts doing good exercises and makes important changes in the daily eating habits. Supplements are necessary but at a particular time and under some circumstances. Think about this, a man eats crap all day and sleeps all day, plays indoor games and eats anything that comes his way, do you think he need a protein shake? No! He doesn’t need any type of shake, he need to actually shake himself first BEFORE starting any supplement.

Joining a gym

Joining a gym is a best solution for better health; it will not only motivates a person to do better and stick to better eating habits but will also avoid false beliefs and myths to enter a person’s mind that we hear in our day to day living.

There are experts in gym who know how to treat a new member and take him towards his goal, they know how a person can be motivated and kept on the track. They teach their clients about the do’s and don’ts. A person can make up his mind and motivate himself to go beyond his pre-decided limits in the environment of a gym rather than anywhere else. The desire of getting better every day increases in a person when he sees people better than him in the gym. When a person looks at other people doing so much hard work inside the gym, he gets deeply motivated and thinks to do better every week.

This self motivation scheme can be found in the gym only, under the supervision of serious people and gym freaks, who dedicate every single second of their life thinking and living their fitness.


This home workout plan works for every body of every age group and so one does not have to worry whom to take along for a walk. You can take your wife, son, daughter, friend or grand ma, grand pa, or anybody to begin with. You will improve and also will the person with you. Let us together spread the good words of awareness among people and motivate each other for better health and better future.

Spread this message and this article to your near and dear. Let them also understand that having good health is easy. Just follow the protocol. You do not want to go to the gym, don’t go.

For more any info and queries, place your comment in the comment box. For personalized diet and workout plan contact our professionals at: fitnesscuriosity@gmail.com or jd@fitnesscuriosity.com

Happy gymming.

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