Interesting Online Personal Training

Interesting online Personal Training

People in gyms these days

A very small part of the huge population in India is actually concerned with their personal health and fitness.  Out of this little part, most of the people are doing exercises in gyms on their own. Some people visit the gym, do some cardio and get back home while some others do few exercises they know and expect muscles like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Very few actually know the exact way to work-out who are either studying from a long time through various websites, or they are under the guidance of good experienced FITNESS EXPERTS.

The condition few years back

Few years back, it was very difficult for a gym to find members to make the business grow. There was little awareness among people and they usually thought that walking everyday in the morning is the best thing they can do for a healthy body. They thought going to gym is useless and is only meant for those who want big muscles. They never thought that gym can also help them to lose fat or it could help in preventing various conditions like weak bones and troubles created by the weak muscles.

Nobody was much interested in looking on the internet to learn more about fitness, and ghee, butter and other milk products were considered to give strength and endurance for better life. However, some people went to gyms which were run by bodybuilders. These gym owners asked their members to do those exercises and to follow those diet plans which  they did when they started their bodybuilding career. Due to this reason, once again the idea of “Gyms are meant to make muscles” kept growing.

The change which came in last few years

In last few years, the whole system got changed. Every city still has those old style gyms run by bodybuilders, but there are one or two such gyms too which are actually following the protocol of educated fitness and right systematic guidance to their clients. These days’ people don’t join gyms just because they want big muscles but there are people who are going to lose fat or improve muscles for better life. The idea has changes and the awareness is improving day by day.

People who were earlier considered gurus, those gym owners, bodybuilders are losing their popularity. The new talent the young generation, certified and experienced, gym trainers are gaining much more popularity. These new talented gym experts are putting more emphasis on learning the right thing, are regarded and respected in this new world. Now gym trainers don’t spend money on making their body big to attract their clients, but they are spending money on education and on sharpening their brain with the right knowledge to provide better guidance and coaching to their members.

How did personal training emerged

The concept of personal training came in a different way in different gyms. At some places the following thing happened –

  • First people started joining gyms and trainers taught them what to do and how to do.
  • Later, when the gym got crowded it became hard for the gym management to take care of every member.
  • They managed it by categorizing their training part, into 2 different segments “General Training” and “Personal Training”.
  • Where they charged extra if someone isn’t getting results through the general training.
  • It is just like; a student is studying in school but cannot learn well when the teacher is teaching in class, so he/she joins tuition classes where he/she has to pay extra to learn the same topic which was taught in the class.

At some places things happened in a different way –

  • Members joined the gym.
  • Gym was not able to manage with the expenses and was looking ways to generate more income.
  • Personal training was introduced.
  • Members were given free personal training for a month.
  • Members enjoyed and felt the difference of quality between personal training and general training.
  • Members want special attention and quick results so they started to pay for the personal training.

Similarly there were many other reasons which worked in the popularity of personal training. Some gym experts spent their years in learning and training people. They have immense knowledge and lot of experience which ensures quick and long lasting results, such gym experts or fitness experts do not want their knowledge to get wasted for free and they cash their skills by providing personal training sessions to the selective gym members.

Benefits of online Personal Training

Online Personal Training is better than any other type of Personal Training. Given below is a table to show how it is interesting and different and beneficial.

  In gym Personal Training Online Personal Training
1 Trainer stands by the client and makes him do the exercises according to the ideas trainer has in his brain A schedule is made and given to the client explaining each and every set and rep and how it is going to work on him.
2 With such workouts very few trainers are able to teach their client or we can say client gets to learn very little because often times there are no written records. This ensures that the clients would learn more about what he is doing because there are written records.
3 Member has to depend upon the trainer to decide what weight he/ she has to use for a particular exercise and for how many reps it should be done. Most clients don’t try to understand the systematic planning and they just take the advantage of the trainer who is standing by their side, for every little thing like, how many reps or with what weight should the set be done with.


This doesn’t let them actually learn more and they sometimes feel they don’t have to learn.

Members are taught for few weeks how to decide the weight, and how to plan the reps. Every small thing is discussed over the emails and telephonic conversations to make the client independent and self reliable.
4 Members are completely depending upon their trainer. Members do things on their own, they might need a supporter but they know what they are doing.
5 The problem of time bound is a major issue, because of this trainers design a workout program that could finish in the given time only. Generally time for personal training is between 45 minutes to 1 hour. This happens according to gym rules or because the trainer has to attend the other client. There are some workout plans which require more time. Sometimes 1 hour 30 minutes or even more. It depends upon the body type of the person and many other details. So, in this case, online trainer will give you the best possible workout plan without any fear of time, or without worrying about any other thing.


6 Generally expensive, starts from 8000 INR

Workout doesn’t change much. Oftentimes members put down the personal training packages because they don’t get results or they are not enjoying what they do.

Inexpensive training charges. Some online trainers are giving online training for just 2000 INR a month and their workout plans change every week along with diet plans.


Personal training is important for anyone who doesn’t have any idea about what to do and how to get into better shape, but when a person knows about few things, he/ she should try online personal training for the next level training protocol.

In India, there are so many such people who are spending in thousands and following online training protocols. There are trainers from abroad who have more than 100 clients and are making millions every month by helping different people worldwide.

Women who are unable to find a gym or does not go to gym due to any reason are getting involved into the personal training programs and are losing fat while working at home. Trainers, who are doing the awesome business of online personal training, are reaching people in other countries and teaching them the basics of managing their diet and workout and in improving lives of others.

Online personal training is for everybody. A beginner, an expert and someone who cannot go to gym, all are getting benefits through the online personal training programs. Gym trainers, who earned not more than 20 thousand INR a month, are now earning more than 50 Thousand INR a month. This is happening just by helping people with their training programs and diet charts, through Online personal training methods.


Awareness in increasing rapidly and people are now adding “an hour at the gym” as one of the main work in their daily routine. Where earlier people thought gym is meant to make muscles grow big, now they know that gym is necessary just like taking shower in the morning or brushing teeth.

It is clear that very soon people will prefer online personal training as an important part of their life. This will ensure the distribution of right knowledge to more people. If you haven’t tried online PT then you should try it now and see if it works on you or not. Only then you will be able to tell others what is best for them when they join a gym or plan to shape them.

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